Monday mx Motivation Quotes for student and parents

 Monday mx Motivation for student and parents

Monday mx Motivation: Past issues will keep resurfacing at important points of life, unless you give them closure. Closure isn't sweeping things under the rug & forcing yourself to believe that you're in control. Closure is facing what hurts, grieving the loss, being kind to self & forgiving everyone.
Monday mx Motivation: Sometimes you can't control things around you. Rather than fighting change, it's important to have control on yourself. Trust that you can maneuver through challenges. Take it easy & re-plan. Be open because that's your best bet. Go with the flow. Let life unfold. You'll be fine.

Monday mx Motivation: Even when road to your destination isn't clear, you've to trust the direction you're taking. If things are foggy, you've to make way thru ambiguity. You can't always have complete plan in hand. Trusting intuition can be hard for logical mind yet is required for progress at times.
Monday mx Motivation: Don't cling too hard to your past. This moment is yours to start afresh. In the present you have all the resources to build a stronger and firmer foundation of future. The dreams that never materialized are still a possibility. Stretch your hand and reach for them. Create new joy

Monday mx Motivation for student

Monday mx Motivation: It's okay to feel miserable & frustrated. It's not okay to stay there. It's not okay to undermine your worth. You are an incredibly powerful being. All you need is to believe in yourself. Remind yourself of your strength. Accept yourself as fearless. Reach out for your abundance.
Monday mx Motivation: When you embrace journey of evolving into better version, when you stop giving acceptance to fake toxic energies in surroundings, certain people who were pivotal earlier, are bound to be left behind. This isn't worth grieving. They make space for those who vibe at your frequency.

Monday mx Motivation for student and parents

Monday mx Motivation for student and parents

Monday mx Motivation for student and parents
Monday mx Motivation: You can choose to stick to misery of your life because it's familiar. That acceptance means that nothing ever changes. You can spend your life whining & wondering about 'what ifs.' Or you can trust your light, take a chance & give your all to be where everything you dream of lies
Monday mx Motivation: If changing something is in your power, go all out, with all your heart & make the magic happen! If changing it isn't in your control, forcing it or worrying for it isn't being fighter. It is your ego unwilling to accept that everything can't be controlled. Choose battles wisely.
Monday mx Motivation: If you're struggling to be in present moment, you're meant to be elsewhere. If something doesn't feel great, you're not doing what you're intended to do. If you've to force yourself to focus, it's time to find what captures your focus without effort. That's what you need to seek.
Monday mx Motivation: Whether you decide to be great follower of someone or something, or you choose to be trailblazer working on something unthinkable, make sure to act after giving it a thought rather than rushing in blindly. Be clear about what you're doing and why. It's good to rein in impulsivity

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