Employee motivation at ACC company, Motivational Status
Need For The Study
Human resource is considered to be most valuable assent in any organization. It is the sum total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills employed persons who comprises of executives, supervisors and employees. It may be noted human resource should be utilized to the maximum possible extent in order to achieve individual and organizational goals. it is thus employee's performance which ultimately decides the attainment of goals. Influenced by motivation and satisfaction.
Every organization should have personnel policies in order to accomplish the objective of the personnel as well as organization. Periodic review of personnel policies is essential to keep in time with the changing times and to avid managerial stagnation. The personnel policy should be suitably adjusted to accommodate the latest fad , accepted by many in the organization.
Objectives of the study:
The study attempts to make an in depth analysis into the human resource functioning of this institution laying down the following parameters as the objectives of the study.
> To estimate the level of satisfaction among employees.
> To understand the problems of employees in the selected organization.
> To suggest measures to improve the satisfaction level.
Limitations of the study:
Every study of this nature has a lot of constraints that would adversely affect the ultimate following of the study. Though I have attempted to eliminate such constraints to the utmost, the following limitations I have experienced while making this study have some impact in this research.
1) The time allocated is limited to collect date and information from the organization.
2) The study mainly focuses on a few employees due to lack of time.
3) As the study is based on information received from the questionnaire and there is no other technique for evaluation of satisfaction of employees. So there are chances of error.
4) Reluctance for respondents in giving answers.
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