Motivational for bad student in children day
motivational quotes for bad student
Quotes 1. Your greatest fears block greatest source of your blessings. Don't get obsessed with the lack. Don't assume that just because something important is missing from life, you don't deserve it. You're meant to own all that you dream. You've to first believe that it can belong to you.
Quotes 2. Its important to release yourself from the emotional games other play and to protect your inner peace. Guard your self from anything that wasted your energy. Walk away from negativity and pay attention to the path you are destined to tke on order to give yourself a joyous life.
Quotes 3. You're not going to master the rest of your life in one day. just relax. Master the day. Then just keep doin that every day.
Quotes 4. The smile on my face doesn't mean my life is perfect , it just means I appreciate what I have and what God has blessed me with.
Quotes 5. To change your life, you have to change yourself, you have to change tour mindset.
Bad student quotes
Quotes 6. Life is unpredictable. You can't plan everything. You can't always be in control of it all & that's the hard truth. Sooner you accept it, easier life becomes. It's okay to be confused but don't overthink. Go with the flow because change will happen, whether you're willing or not.
Quotes 7. The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment to absolutely and utterly walk away.
Quotes 8. You'll get there. Take a deep breath. Don't lose your nerve. Be patient with yourself. It's tough but you're tougher. If it doesn't work out, start over, but never give up. Envision how life will be when you receive new blessings. Turn your dreams into reality. You're worth it.
Quotes 9. It's okay to fight for someone who loves you It's not okay to fight for someone to love you. There's a huge difference.
Quotes 10. Don't let the anxiety of future distract you from this moment. Don't let the fears stop your movement. Allow your ideas to flow and positive thoughts to inspire you. Take responsibility to make yourself smile. Let no problem scare you. Take time to breath. You will find answers.
Children Day Quotes for student
Quotes 11. Nobody thinks, feels or perceives like u. Don't allow their opinion to influence your journey if their thoughts don't align with direction of your dreams. You aren't meant to follow them to please them. Follow your heart. Chase your dreams. You're unique & that's your superpower.
Quotes 12. Some will admire you & some will despise you, no matter what. At end of the day what matters is whether you lived for applause or for happiness. If you earnestly look for appreciation, you demean yourself. Do what makes you appreciate self & what you'll thank yourself for later.
Quotes 13. If you're trapped in insecurities, you'll have no space in your mind to think of the blessings coming your way. Don't let anyone or anything make you doubt your worth. Remember, most of those stopping you aren't concerned about your happiness. You've to choose yourself at times.
Quotes 14. You don't have to be perfect because you can't be. You are only human & it's okay to go wrong at times. You can always pick up from there & move forward. You don't have to suffer all thru your life. Don't hang on to guilt & regret, longer than it's required. Be forgiving to self.
Quotes 15. Clinging to negative thoughts is sure shot way to painful life. If you spend your time & energy whining on what doesn't work and how you are always victimized, you won't be left with anything but gloomy outlook. Wake your inner warrior & promise to overcome barrier life presents.
Quotes 16. Don't be afraid of making mistakes when you know your heart is in right place. Do something today that makes your soul sing & you heart dance. You can put up appearances to impress others at a later day. You can afford to give yourself at least a day to live your life to fullest.
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